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My name is Brent Smith and anything that you hear on this site was created solely by myself. I am a song writer, guitar player, singer, bass player, piano/keys player, and beat maker. By default I am also my own Producer and PR person. This is all not because I have a large ego or anything like that. In real life I am quite the contrary. I have always been my biggest critic which has held me back from entering the music world years ago. I do it all myself due solely to the fact that a year ago I felt that if I kept depending on others to help create/write then it would never happen. I admit that I am probably not the greatest at everything that I do but I throw my mind and heart in every detail so at least I know that it's the best that I can do. At the end of the day that's all that we can ask of ourselves.

I have a highly demanding occupation during the day and am a single father of two daughters as well. So suffice it to say that I have lost Alot of sleep this last year but my love for music has made this all the most un-regretful decision that I have ever made for myself. I have always loved music and have been singing and playing rock since age 4. Music has always been my way of coping with some of the mental health issues I've had my entire life. So I will be playing whether 1 person is listening or 1 million. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!🤘

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